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和谐社会的提出不仅因由于国内诸多因素,更有深刻的全球化背景,是对错综复杂的国际形势、经济全球化、国际非传统安全挑战、两级分化和南北矛盾等全球化风险的积极应对。是关于西方积极推行其国家意识形态的清醒认识。  相似文献   
Over the past three decades, calls for alternative forms of qualitative research that require of the researcher to think deeply, differently, disruptively and diffractively have been gathering momentum. This article adds to a growing bank of possibilities for this type of work by re-turning feelings that emerged while doing insider activist work related to issues of gender in an isolated rural Australian community. The original five-year study drew on emancipatory, poststructural feminist and critical research paradigms; however, this paper takes a paradigmatic leap to fold in posthumanist and new materialist thinking as it re-turns feelings that mattered and were produced as part of the mangle of doing activist research. The paper foregrounds a different way of knowing by embracing a researcher identity that is an assemblage of shifting feelings, thoughts, physical realities, identities, temporalities, speech acts and practices. This postmodern paradox is a superposition of knowings and unknowings; certainties and uncertainties; power and powerlessness; an entanglement of relations and productions that are troubled and troubling, determined and indeterminate, comfortable and uncomfortable.  相似文献   
利用大众传媒促进社会主义新农村文化建设   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“社会主义新农村建设”的内涵不仅是要发展农村经济.更要同步建设新农村文化,改变当前广大农民群众文化生活的匮乏现状,从而保证农村经济的持久发展和农村社会的和谐进步。在新农村文化建设中,相比较其他方式,大众传媒具有无可比拟的优势。然而,目前大众传媒对农村的信息传播严重不足.各级政府以及媒体应采取措施利用大众传媒促进新农村文化建设,加强政策引导,建设农村公益性媒体.综合各类型媒体构建农村复合型网状传播结构,对农传播的媒体内容和形式要切实贴近“三农”。  相似文献   
高师基础物理教学改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从师范生在教学实践中存在的主要问题入手,结合当前的教改,对高师基础物理课程的教学改革提出建议。  相似文献   
中国传统文化教育关系到中国传统文化的传承。在新时代的背景下,高校传统文化教育对于继承和弘扬传统文化,引导大学生树立正确的人生观、价值观,建立起中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的理想信念有着重大意义。  相似文献   
In this study, the implementation of the Swedish first teacher reform, where especially skilled teachers get an opportunity to advance in their careers, is examined. The scene is an upper secondary school, Baxter High, in the southwest of Sweden. In this particular school, a new system with first teachers replaces an old system of so-called head teachers. The teachers’ response to this is multilayered: at the same time as it reveals an unwillingness to change everyday work rhythms, it is also a response to cultural change, and to change in the discourse of political life in Baxter High. The implementation of the first teacher reform results not only in a change in administrative categories, but also in a change in ideology, intertwined with and embedded in the cultural and social life of the school. In this article, the authors connect the first teacher reform to the neoliberal transformation process that the Swedish educational system has undergone over the last three decades.  相似文献   
通过对肇庆、云浮两市农村学校基本情况、体育教学资源、教学现状和课程改革情况的调查统计,分析了农村学校实施体育新课标的现状及存在的实际困难,提出应充分开发和利用农村的自然资源,以此加快农村学校体育新课标的实施.  相似文献   
高扬民主科学旗帜与改造国民文化心态是五四新文化运动的基本主题。新世纪发展先进文化,最核心最关键的内容仍是民主与科学,肃清封建主义影响、改造国民文化心态的任务尚很艰巨;必须切实发扬民主,保障人权,完善法制,崇尚科学,健全人格,提高国民文化素质。  相似文献   
《金瓶梅》的作者非王世贞莫属。根据有四:①“兰陵笑笑生”中的“兰陵”并非地名,而是运用藏词艺术手法隐含作者姓王,是一个孝子;②弄珠客《序》采用析字格手法,表明《金瓶梅》的创作主旨是嘲弄姓朱的皇帝;③王世贞的父亲王Yu被杀与嘉帝有直接关系,替父报仇是王世贞作《金瓶梅》的主要动机和根本目的;④作品中的明代三个真实人物是王世贞的暗示性符号。  相似文献   
稳健原则及其在我国会计实践中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稳健原则在我国会计实践中的应用范围不断扩大,在新会计制度和具体会计准则中更是得到了全面、深入的应用。不仅扩大了计提资产减值准备的范围,排除了资产负债表中的虚拟资产,缩短了资产摊销期,而且改变了借款费用资本化的标准,严格了收入确认的标准,缩小了公允价值概念的使用范围,增加了或有负债的披露内容。同时,稳健原则也存在局限性,克服这一局限性有赖于会计人员素质的培养和会计原则应用优先次序合理安排。  相似文献   
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